So, since yesterday was Valentine’s Day (and also because I couldn’t really think of anything else to write about), in today’s post I’m going to describe my ideal man. This is a list of things I came up with about a month ago. Most of the things on here are, of course, utterly unrealistic—there are only two things on the list that are non-negotiable. (I also doubt very seriously that any guy who met all the qualifications on this list would even consider dating me! Haha) That being said, I do have a list of things that I feel like are necessary in my future husband, and it is VERY different from this one! So…. Enjoy!
My ideal man would have…
1. The love of Jesus.

This is the first non-negotiable. My man has to have this in 2 ways. First of all, he has to have experienced the love and salvation of Jesus, and given Jesus control over his life. Second, he has to be doing his best to show that love to others. I recently bought Ed Newton’s series “Be the One.” In it, Ed says, “Your man can’t just be showing selfless love to you. He has to be showing it to everyone around him.” I love that, because obviously a guy is going to be unselfish toward the girl he likes/loves. The real test is how he treats everyone.
2. The character of Mr. Darcy.

(and, just fyi…. Colin Firth is, and always will be, the ONLY Mr. Darcy. Also, this screenshot is from the EXACT moment of my favorite part of the whole movie.)
I honestly didn’t realize how awesome Mr. Darcy’s character was until I had already read the book (and seen the movie) about 20 times. He treats others with respect. He has complete integrity, and doesn’t allow anyone else to take the blame for his own actions, even when other people’s actions have caused at least part of the problem. He does not belittle others, even when everyone around him is doing so. He is considerate of others, even when it puts him at great inconvenience. He is more than fair to someone who tries to cheat him. When he is wrong, he accepts correction and tries to make things right. He is a truly good man, a gentleman in every sense of the word. This is my second non-negotiable (and, if the first is met, this one follows naturally).
3. The manliness of Aragorn.

Ummm… I think that picture about covers it. Oh, and he has REALLY nice arms. (Another weakness…)
5. Robert Downey Jr.’s sense of humor.

Iron Man 1 and 2 are favorites of mine, as is Sherlock Holmes. I love his quick wit. Also, as my sister says, sarcasm has always been my family’s “language of love.”
6. Josh Turner’s voice.

Oh. My. Word. The man can sing. I could listen to him forever.
7. Harrison Ford’s…. sexiness (for lack of a better word).

I fell in love with Harrison Ford watching Star Wars as an 8-year-old. He’s my “old man crush.” Indiana Jones, Sabrina, Star Wars…. He’s just so attractive. I can’t even explain it.
I love it! This gave me a big goofy grin. :) You named a lot of my favorites, too. Seriously, who couldn't love a Colin Firth-Robert Downey, Jr.-Harrison Ford hybrid??? Throw in a dash of Sean Connery and I'm there! ;)