My take on the world.

Monday, December 12, 2011

On Being a Lady

If you know me at all, you know that I am obsessed with all things Grace Kelly, and all things from the 1950's. Women back then were so classy. They were ladies--something that we don't see much in our anything-goes-society nowadays. So, here is my list of what it takes to be a lady. Feel free to add your own requirements in the comments!

1. Encourage chivalry.

I once read an article entitled, "Chivalry is Dead--And You Killed it, Ladies." While I don't agree that chivalry is hopelessly lost, it certainly takes effort to find these days. As a lady, it's your job to encourage chivalry whenever/wherever you encounter it. If a guy takes the time to do something nice for you, take half a second of your life and thank him. This doesn't just apply to your boyfriend/husband/significant other. If any guy holds a door for you, carries something for you, etc., then look him in the eye, smile, and say, "Thank you." It doesn't matter who the guy is--old, young, smelly, scary, cute, annoying, whatever. Take the time to thank him.

2. Dress like a lady.
"Your dresses should be tight enough to show you're a woman, and loose enough to show that you're a lady."--Edith Head, Hitchcock's costume designer for Grace Kelly.

Here is a fact about the world:  People are going to judge you by your appearance.  No, it's not fair.  No, it's not always accurate.  But that's the way the world works--and it's not going to make an exception for you.  If you dress like you're easy, the world is going to treat you as if you're easy.  So, dress like you respect yourself.  Dress as if you're priceless--because you are.
My absolute favorite book on this topic is Secret Keeper by Dannah Gresh.  It's a little bitty book that is to the point without being at all legalistic-- which is hard to do when the topic is modesty.  If you haven't read it, you need to.  It's well worth your time.

3.  Care about other people.

I have a confession--I'm really bad at this one.  I'm usually not rude to other people--I just ignore them.  Ladies make time for other people. I've tried to adopt this mentality toward people that help me--cashiers, waiters, etc.  I try to smile at them and ask them how they're doing.  Just because they work at Wal-Mart doesn't mean they're not a real person!  I really need to apply this to my family as well--just because I live with them doesn't mean I don't need to care about how they're doing.

4. Speak like a lady.

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

A true lady never stoops to being rude--but she gets her point across just the same.  Ladies never swear or use crude language (which means I have to stop saying "crap" all the time... hmmm.)  A lady is in no way a doormat--she commands respect in the way she speaks. This is where I have the most work to do.  I'm brutally honest.  I need to better learn how to speak truth without being harsh or ugly.

5.  Wear pearls.

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Ok, so wearing pearls doesn't automatically make you a lady.  But in my experience, it definitely helps. 

6. Carry yourself like a lady.

If you act like you're confident, you will become confident.  If you walk like you're insecure, you will become more insecure.  So smile.  Walk with purpose.  Hold your head high.  Sit gracefully.  Walk--don't clomp, shuffle, or strut.  (However, skipping is allowed at appropriate times, as is dancing.)

7.  Smile.  Laugh.  Enjoy life.

Being a lady does not mean you have no sense of humor!  In every situation, there is something to laugh at.  Look for it.

8. Love Jesus.  Recognize who you are in Him.

Everything else flows out of this. And nothing else matters if this doesn't happen.

9.  Raise your standards.

You are valuable.  But if you don't act like it, very few people will treat you like you are.  So raise your standards.  Don't date guys who treat you like anything less than a princess.  Don't do things that a lady wouldn't do.  Be nice to people when you feel like being rude.  Treat others as if they are ladies and gentlemen--no matter their age, appearance, smell, or status.  If you can do this, you will be a lady.

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