The other day, for some random reason, someone mentioned that their favorite animal was a wolf. This got me thinking, and I realized… I don’t think I have a “favorite animal.” This really bugged me—I’m not sure why. I guess not being able to make a decision frustrates me. Horses are pretty. But everyone likes them.
Dolphins are cute and really smart, and they live in the water, which is awesome.
Eagles can fly, which makes me insanely jealous. But, they also eat dead stuff, which isn’t too appealing.
I like dogs but they aren’t super amazing or anything so I feel like they can’t be my favorite animal either. (Although wolves are my favorite kind of dog. They’re cool in an eerie, majestic kind of way.)
So, since I can’t decide… Here are some other photos of animals I like. If I ever pick a favorite I’ll let you know.
It’s so pretty!

Probably because of the Lion King.
Because they’re so creepy they’re cool.
Because their jellybean-sized babies have to crawl up into their mom's pouch right after they’re born.
Because they are the fastest animal on the planet. They can dive at speeds of over 200 mph, pulling 25 Gs. (A normal human passes out at about 5 Gs. Fighter pilots can handle between 8 and 9 Gs.)
Because they’re so ugly, they’re cute.
Because… awwww, just look at them.
Because it’s just so weird looking.
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