A lot of people, when they find out that I am still a freshman in college because none of my credits transferred, say, “Awww. What a waste.” I tell them, “On paper, maybe.” My mom and my grandma are both practical, and they tend to take the “what a waste” view as well. They have a point—after all, I paid for those classes, and now I still have four more years to go. I’m in debt for classes I didn’t even get credit for. But—I’ve never regretted going to King’s. I’m glad I did, and the fact that I’m still a freshman doesn’t bother me (well, most of the time). I’ve never really been able to explain why. However, driving home from class tonight, I think I finally know why.
Most people who go to college go to lay the foundation for the rest of their life. They want to be trained for the future, and be able to get good jobs. The pressure to go to a good school starts long before graduating from high school. Practical people focus on where they need to be, and take the steps to get there. And that’s a good thing. But I think a lot of people grossly underestimate the enormous value of experience—learning the lessons God has to teach us through circumstances and people He brings into our lives. He also gives us amazing gifts that we call memories. This is what my year in New York gave me—experience, and countless memories.
I remember my parents getting into a taxi and driving off among thousands of other honking horns and crowding people, and realizing that for the first time, I was completely on my own. It was exhilarating, and scary.
I remember freshman initiation—being blindfolded and run all over the city, then formally becoming a member of the House of Barton (the best House at Kings. Where is she? I don’t know, I don’t know!)
I remember random conversations with Phoebe, Tasha, and Darla about childbirth. (Phoebe yelling, “I’M NEVER HAVING KIDS!!! I’m adopting!!” while Tasha says, “But it’s so beautiful! It’s the most amazing thing I’ve seen!!!”)
Oatmeal attacks by Barton.
Staying up all night to watch all three Lord of the Rings movies with Kalina my last night in the city.
Walking down to the Brooklyn Bridge with Laura to take pictures, then Laura spending 12 bucks on ice cream for both of us.
Tasha, Alex, Jonathan, Darla, Laura and I yelling over each other during our New Testament study sessions, and loving every minute.
Hanging out with my Big B.
John Stossel and Tokarev in Economics.
Rabinowitz saying something hilarious. Hendershott saying something hilarious. Dr. Bleattler saying something hilarious.
Singing Christmas carols with Barton to all the guys.
Hanging snowflakes in our apartment for Christmas, then leaving them there until Easter.
Our closet rod collapsing the very first week.
Calling the maintenance man three times to come fix our drain. Calling the mainenance man to fix our fridge.
Waking up to find the pesticide people in our apartment because Darla forgot to tell us that “we were being exterminated today.”
Telling Holly to call the cute waiter at the restaurant where we had Phoebe’s birthday breakfast.
Getting hooked on LOST, thanks to the girls in 5B6.
Eating Katie Lay’s kitty litter cake.
Spending an entire semester on a 15-page research paper, then spending six straight hours in the library a day and a half before it was due completely rewriting it, making it into something I’m proud to say I wrote.
Actually dancing at Spring Formal.
Figuring out how to make 60 bucks buy 2 weeks worth of food—without just buying poptarts and ramen noodles.
Getting excited every time there was mail in the mailbox.
Getting to the airport and going through airport security on my own.
Having lunch with Kayleigh Darling at the adorable little European café on Madison.
Getting lost on the subway trying to go to church.
Walking with Kalina through Chinatown on our way back from an Intro to the City field trip.
Frantically trying to calculate my GPA for the first time in my life.
Asking almost every retailer on 34th, 6th, and 33rd for a job application.
Doing my first real interview.
Hanging out in 5B6. Hanging out in 4B6.
Going to Chipotle to get free burritos.
Phantom of the Opera.
Falling off the swingset in Central Park.
The Christmas windows at Lord & Taylor’s.
Wandering by myself through the crowds and noise of 5th Avenue to the quiet and beauty of Central Park.
Walking by the East River.
Basketball practice with my house.
Barton Day Away in Jersey.
Getting thrown into a freezing cold pool fully dressed because it was my birthday.
Eating pizza by the Brooklyn Bridge at night, the entire Manhattan skyline in front of me.
Powder Puff football on Roosevelt Island.
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